Someone abandon a cat outside my apartment building. the carrier is different but the cat looks similar. I can’t take the cat out because I’m a tad afraid, but I have a picture of their head.
Diane Beauchamp
Jun 22, 2022
Replying to
Any update on the abandoned cat outside your apartment building? I haven't seen any updates on Miss Kitty's return, so I don't suppose it's the same cat. But did you find out more information about the animal or its owner?
Andressa Diloreto
May 30, 2022
I’m so sorry! That is so messed up. I hope this lady is caught.
May 30, 2022
Replying to
Spread this video… I am sharing it‼️ This is pure evil‼️ HOW DARE THIS PERSON STEAL THIS BELOVED PET FROM HER FAMILY💔
Someone abandon a cat outside my apartment building. the carrier is different but the cat looks similar. I can’t take the cat out because I’m a tad afraid, but I have a picture of their head.
I’m so sorry! That is so messed up. I hope this lady is caught.